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LightGBM early stopping with custom eval function and built-in loss function

I am using LightGBM for a binary classification project. I use the built-in 'logloss' as the loss function. However, I want to use early_stopping to stop the iterations when it yields the highest Precision_Recall AUC value. So I have implemented the following custom eval function:

def f_pr_auc(probas_pred, y_true):
   p, r, _ = precision_recall_curve(labels, probas_pred)
   return "pr_auc", score, True

This custom eval function works well and I have updates like the following:

enter image description here

However, the iterations stopped at the lowest logloss value but not at the highest pr_auc value. Is there a way that I can disable logloss evaluation and only evaluate pr_auc?

For imbalanced datasets, the highest pr_auc value may not be achieved at the lowest logloss. So I'd like to stop the iterations when the highest pr_auc is achieved.


  • With LGB Python API, you have to set in your parameters dictionary the custom metric option:

    params = {
        'objective': 'binary',
        'metric': 'custom',
    gbm = lgb.train(params,