I want to calculate the direction of solar radiation for every hour (that the sun is up) in the Netherlands in 2017, 2018 and 2019. I'm doing a research about the generation of solar panels, and I think this feature would add a lot to my models.
I found a few formula's to calculate the direction of solar radiation and was wondering if anyone ever implemented these in Python.
H = arcsine(sin(psi)sin(D) - cos(psi)cos(D)cos(U)) = solar altitude
A = arcsine{(cos(D)sin(U))/cos(H)} = azimuth
psi = latitude on earth
D = 23,44*sin{360*(284 + n)/365} = declination with n = n-th day of the year
U = t * 15 = local hour angle with t = t-th hour of the day
So I'm interested in H. I know it is supposed to look like this: Azimuth and solar altitude
Has anyone ever implemented something like this in Python?
There are certainly a vast number of packages you can find which already do that such as SunPy or Astropy.