We have migrated our project from 6.6 to 1811. When I go to smartedit and select Basic edit perspective I am getting below errors. Could anyone let me know what I am doing wrong here. Thank you for your valuable time and suggestions.
de.hybris.platform.cms2.exceptions.CMSItemNotFoundException: Content slot not found for name "HeaderContactUsLinks"
de.hybris.platform.cms2.exceptions.CMSItemNotFoundException: Content slot not found for name "HeaderImage"
I assume that the jsp associated to this page's template tries to display the HeaderContactUsLinks slot by doing the following(or something similar):
<cms:pageSlot position="HeaderContactUsLinks" var="feature" element="div">
<cms:component component="${feature}" element="div"/>
However, according to the Exception, there is no Content Slot Configured for that position and that is why Smart Edit complains. In order to configure a content slot for that position(i.e HeaderContactUsLinks) you can adjust and import the following impex:
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true] ; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'YourPageTemplateIdGoesInHere']; validComponentTypes(code); compTypeGroup(code)
; HeaderContactUsLinks ; ; ; wide
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true] ; name ; active; cmsComponents(&componentRef); ; ;
; ; HeaderContactUsLinks-Slot ; Header Contact Us Links Slot; true ; ; ; ;
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];position[unique=true];pageTemplate(uid,$contentCV)[unique=true][default='YourPageTemplateIdGoesInHere'];contentSlot(uid,$contentCV)[unique=true];allowOverwrite