I've come across this particular problem when deploying a very simple blockchain network on Docker Swarm using the Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.4. It has 2 organizations (2 peers each), 5 orderers (Raft consensus), 2 CA (one for each organization), and 4 couchDB (1 por each peer).
The problem occur when I try to join the peers to the channels that I just created. The message that shows on the terminal:
Error: error getting endorser client for channel: endorser client failed to connect to peer0org1:7051: failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded
And when I go through the logs on that peer I see a message that caught my attention:
createTransport -> DEBU 13c grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {peer1car1:8051 0 }. Err :connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate is valid for peer1.org1, peer1, not peer1org1". Reconnecting...
And an actual error message:
UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 1b9 TLS handshake failed with error remote error: tls: bad certificate server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
Then I started looking on the crypto-config.yaml file and the docker-compose.yaml used to deploy my stack. On the crypto-config.yaml file, I declared de Domain key as "org1" and as you can see on the logs the certificate is valid for peer1org1. But here is the problem, when I declare a service name of "peer0.org1" I get an error from Swarm saying that it's an invalid name.
I know, I know. The message in the log is for another peer but is there a change it is related the this issue I'm having? Any ideas on how to resolve it?
On another subject: I'm new to the container orquestration world and would like to know your opnions. Would you use Kubernetes or Swarm to deploy a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network in production?
The service name as valid in your docker network (I assume it is peer1org1
) needs to be present in the TLS certificate as subject alternate name (SAN). You can specify SANS in crypto-config.yaml
as follows:
- Name: org1
Domain: org1
EnableNodeOUs: true
- Hostname: peer1
- "peer1org1"
- Hostname: peer2
- "peer2org1"