Following is the image that has running average calculated by me. But the requirement is a bit extra on top of the running average.
Following is the image where the requirement is in the Microsoft Excel sheet.
So, in order to calculate the running average with formulae like =(3*C4+2*C5+1*C6)/6 that have been gathered in excel sheet, what SQL Query could be written?
Also, if it's not feasible through SQL, then how could I use the Column D from the second image as my measure in SSAS?
use LAG()
with offset
and follow your formula accordingly
avg_val = ( (3.0 * lag(Open_, 2) over (order by M, [WEEK]) )
+ (2.0 * lag(Open_, 1) over (order by M, [WEEK]) )
+ (1.0 * Open_) ) / 6