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Python C API: problems with calling python c method in c

In my module there is a method that takes python list and divides it by double

static PyObject *st_div_r(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){
  PyObject *pList;

  Py_ssize_t n;
  double x;
  int i;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!d", &PyList_Type, &pList, &x)) {
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameters are wrong.");
    return NULL;

  n = PyList_Size(pList);
  return pList;

It works like this


I would like to use st_div_r in another method in my module, that takes list of lists, divides it's first element by double and returns it

static PyObject *det(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ 
  PyObject *pList;
  double d = 2.0;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyList_Type, &pList)) {
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameters are  wrong.");
    return NULL;



  return pList;

It should work like this


But this doesn't work

 TypeError: parameters are wrong

So, the question is how to call st_div_r inside det and what to pass as self. Would appreciate any help. Thank you


  • You must create a PyTuple as second argument of your own function(st_div_r)!

    There are 2 main ways to do that!

    First Way

    PyObject *first_list = PyList_GetItem(pList, 0)
    //PyObject *divider = Py_BuildValue("d", d)
    //PyObject *tuple_with_list_and_divider = Py_BuildValue("(Od)", first_list, divider);
    PyObject *tuple_with_list_and_divider = Py_BuildValue("(Od)", first_list, d);
    PyObject *list_after_division = st_div_r(pList, tuple_with_list_and_divider)
    PyList_SetItem(pList , 0, list_after_division);

    Second Way

    PyObject *first_list = PyList_GetItem(pList, 0)
    PyObject *divider = Py_BuildValue("d", d)
    PyObject *tuple_with_list_and_divider = PyTuple_New(2);
    PyTuple_SetItem(tuple_with_list_and_divider, 0, first_list);
    PyTuple_SetItem(tuple_with_list_and_divider, 1, divider);
    PyObject *list_after_division = st_div_r(pList, tuple_with_list_and_divider)
    PyList_SetItem(pList , 0, list_after_division);

    In first example I forgot that Py_BuildValue converts d to Py_Double.

    Sorry for my Bad English!