I'm getting the NameError: name 'fooAlpha' is not defined
when I run my script.
From research I believe it's because I've not declared fooAlpha early in the script. However even if put fooAlpha = "" around line 22 I still get an error.
I feel I'm lacking just that small bit of understanding of python to get beyond this error. Please can I get some pointers on how to solve this.
# Add a GUI
# - by JeffGames
# ToDo:
# 1. Add JeffGames icon
# 2. Handle spaces in the string
# Import tkinter, our GUI framework
from tkinter import * # Import tkinter, our GUI framework
root = Tk()
# Variables used by the main program.
alphabet01 = 'GjlZCMaQKU"/-Xf$£\\mrw:>H(%Fo&tD<!gJLzbiSxBcT,dqPYy=*OA~_?^.)E;evN+R#k\'@hnIuVWsp'
alphabet02 = 'hkS*F>ucL/l-)VPB£iR\\ZUdI\'CQ$z(@?=f<ta:m#Wvp;~n!Yg."^sxMHNKDwybjr_,O%oq+TJGXAEe&'
alphabet03 = '(OIce$TnM=JvF?j<&X+S>i\\h"EY\'dK£,lq!Z@~QmbyD-wUWNsrV^H:fB.aPpkL_otC/);RzAGxg%*#u'
# Define what happens when the go button is clicked
def clickAlpha():
print("Alphabet from clickAlpha = ", algo.get()) # Calls algo and prints its value
myAlpha = algo.get()
print("myAlpha = ", myAlpha) # debug printing
if myAlpha == "Alpha1":
print(alphabet01) # debug printing
fooAlpha = alphabet01
elif myAlpha == "Alpha2":
print(alphabet02) # debug printing
fooAlpha = alphabet02
print(alphabet03) # debug printing
fooAlpha = alphabet03
def clickEncrypt():
msgEncrypt = msgInput.get()
msgEncrypt = str(msgEncrypt)
#print(msgEncrypt) # Used for debugging
caesarShift = cesar.get()
caesarShift = int(caesarShift)
useAlpha = fooAlpha
useAlpha = str(useAlpha)
print(useAlpha) # Used for debugging
newMessage = ""
for character in msgEncrypt:
if character in useAlpha:
position = useAlpha.find(character)
# NB: len(alphabet) handles a list of any length
newPosition = (position + caesarShift)%len(useAlpha)
newCharacter = useAlpha[newPosition]
newMessage += newCharacter
#Put the new message into the message output field
msgOutput.delete(0, END) # Clear the output field after GO is clicked
# Ans = str(newMessage) # Read message for putting into the output field
msgOutput.insert(0, newMessage) #(0, Ans) # Put the message from input field into
def clickDecrypt():
print("Decrypt pressed")
msgEncrypt = msgInput.get()
msgEncrypt = str(msgEncrypt)
#print(msgEncrypt) # Used for debugging
caesarShift = cesar.get()
caesarShift = int(caesarShift)
useAlpha = fooAlpha # Hard coding the algo
useAlpha = str(useAlpha)
print(useAlpha) # Used for debugging
newMessage = ""
for character in msgEncrypt:
if character in useAlpha:
position = useAlpha.find(character)
# NB: len(alphabet) handles a list of any length
newPosition = (position - caesarShift)%len(useAlpha)
newCharacter = useAlpha[newPosition]
newMessage += newCharacter
#Put the new message into the message output field
msgOutput.delete(0, END) # Clear the output field after GO is clicked
# Ans = str(newMessage) # Read message for putting into the output field
msgOutput.insert(0, newMessage) #(0, Ans) # Put the message from input field into
def moveCaesar(sld): # A variable must be in here for the function to work
print("Shift = ", cesar.get()) # Calls cesar variable and prints its value
def clickClear():
msgInput.delete(0, END)
msgOutput.delete(0, END)
print("Cleared all messages")
def clickCopy():
return # Will eventually copy the decrypted or encrypted text to clipboard
def clickQuit(): # Created to have a pop-up to confirm quit.
# Set up for the Alphabet being used. Alphabet 1 is default
algo = StringVar()
algo.set("Alpha1") # Sets Alphabet 1 as default
print("Initial alphabet: ", algo.get()) # Calls algo.set and prints its value
# Set up for the Casar shift. 0 is the default
cesar = IntVar()
print("Initial shift: ", cesar.get()) # Calls cesar variable and prints its value
root.title("Caesar Cipher by JeffGames")
# ---------------------------------------------------
# SET UP THE BUTTONS, Message boxes, and input areas
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Welcome message
welcFrame = LabelFrame(root, padx=10, pady=10, bg='blue')
lblWelcome = Label(welcFrame, text="Welcome to the Caesar Cipher program", bg='blue', fg='white')
# Input message box with a heading instructing user to paste or type message
lblMsgIn = Label(root, text="STEP 1 - Type or paste your message in the box below.")
msgInput = Entry(root)
# Alphabet choices
alphaFrame = LabelFrame(root, padx=10, pady=10, bg='green')
lblAlphaChoice = Label(alphaFrame, text=" STEP 2 - Now choose your encryption algo")
btnAlpha1 = Radiobutton(alphaFrame, text="Alphabet 1", variable=algo, value="Alpha1", command=clickAlpha)
btnAlpha2 = Radiobutton(alphaFrame, text="Alphabet 2", variable=algo, value="Alpha2",command=clickAlpha)
btnAlpha3 = Radiobutton(alphaFrame, text="Alphabet 3", variable=algo, value="Alpha3",command=clickAlpha)
# Caesar shift slider
caesarFrame = LabelFrame(root, padx=10, pady=10, bg='red')
lblCaesar = Label(caesarFrame, text=" STEP 3 - Now set your Caesar Shift")
sldrCaesar = Scale(caesarFrame, from_=0, to=80, variable=cesar, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=moveCaesar)
# Encrypt / Decrypt user choices
cryptFrame = LabelFrame(root, padx=10, pady=10, bg='pink')
lblCryptMsg = Label(cryptFrame, text="STEP 1 - Press a button to Encrypt or Decrypt a message", padx=5, pady=5)
btnCrypt1 = Button(cryptFrame, text="Encrypt", command=clickEncrypt)
btnCrypt2 = Button(cryptFrame, text="Decrypt", command=clickDecrypt)
#Output box
msgOutput = Entry(root)
# Clear, Copy to clipboard, and Exit buttons
btnClear = Button(root, text="Clear All", command=clickClear)
btnCopy = Button(root, text="Copy to clipboard", command=clickCopy)
btnExit = Button(root, text="Quit", command=root.quit)
# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------
# ROW 0 - Welcome message
welcFrame.grid(row=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
lblWelcome.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
# ROW 1 & 2 - User's Message input heading and area
lblMsgIn.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3)
msgInput.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
# ROW 3 & 4 - Choose Alphabet button and message placement
alphaFrame.grid(row=3, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
lblAlphaChoice.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W)
btnAlpha1.grid(row=4, column=0)
btnAlpha2.grid(row=4, column=1)
btnAlpha3.grid(row=4, column=2)
# ROW 5 & 6 Caesar shift slider
caesarFrame.grid(row=5, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
lblCaesar.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W)
sldrCaesar.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
# ROW 7 & 8 - Encrypt Decrypt button and message placement
cryptFrame.grid(row=7, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
lblCryptMsg.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W)
btnCrypt1.grid(row= 8, column=0)
btnCrypt2.grid(row= 8, column=1)
# ROW 0 - User's Message ouput heading and area
msgOutput.grid(row=9, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W+E)
# ROW 10 - Clear Messages & Copy to clipboard, Exit program button placement
btnClear.grid(row=10, column=0)
btnCopy.grid(row=10, column=1)
btnExit.grid(row=10, column=2)
# tkinter mainloop
You're using fooAlpha
inside clickEncrypt
and clickDecrypt
without defining what is it, define it first, and then use the global
keyword inside the functions where you're changing it (clickAlpha)
. First part of your code should be like:
# Define what happens when the go button is clicked
fooAlpha = '' # <========= Add this
def clickAlpha():
global fooAlpha # <========= Add this
# rest of code