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Powershell in Batch file: Errors and Commands not executing

Below you can find the content of the two example text files I will use, example1.txt and obf_example1.txt. The latter one contains the string of example1.txt at the end of the file but has some obfuscated strings before.




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When I ran the following powershell command for example.txt in a batch file, it works and I get the output of example.txt:

@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell Get-Content .\example.txt') do set _output=%%a
echo %_output%


Good so far.

However, when I ran the above powershell command for obf_example1.txt, it does not work and I get the following error message:

The command "FuôëÂ" is either misspelled or could not be found.
The command "ýèvÃ?}¨?¦hùÃSÂ?ò" is either misspelled or could not be found.

Why? Never mind I thought: As I am only interested in the last n characters both in example1.txt and obf_example1.txt accordingly, my idea was to extract the last n characters and check if I can see the output of obf_example1.txt then. To check if my idea works, I run the following command for example1.txt to get the last 4 characters as an example:

@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell $a=Get-Content .\example.txt; $a.substring^(0,$a.length-4^)') do set _output=%%a

It doesn't show me anything though. %_output% seems to be empty. How to fix that? And will the fixed version work for obf_example1.txt as well so that I get an output there instead of the above error message?


  • You could try reading the last 4 bytes, if you really are taking text characters from what is clearly not a text file. (My guess is that it is text hidden inside a binary file, probably a graphic file).

    @For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In (
     '%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe  -NoP^
     "$f.Seek(-4,[System.IO.SeekOrigin]::End)|Out-Null;$buffer=new-object Byte[] 4;"^
     "[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($buffer)"')Do @Set "_output=%%G"
    @Set _output 2>NUL&&Pause

    Don't forget to modify the text file path, (on line 3), and the three instances of 4 if you want more or less bytes. The last line is included just to show you the output, (you would obviously replace that with your own code).