I set up fluentd with grafana loki, Since I have multiple microservices propagate logs to the fluentd I am unable to distinguish and filter the logs in Grafana. Could anyone help me to add my tag as a label so that I can query it like in grafana {tag:"tag.name"}. My fluentd config added below.
<match TEST.**>
@type loki
url "http://localhost:3100"
flush_interval 1s
flush_at_shutdown true
buffer_chunk_limit 1m
extra_labels {"job":"TEST", "host":"ward_workstation", "agent":"fluentd"}
Use Dynamic Labeling
<filter TEST.**>
@Type record_transformer
tag_name ${tag}
<match TEST.**>
@type loki
url "http://localhost:3100"
flush_interval 1s
flush_at_shutdown true
buffer_chunk_limit 1m
extra_labels {"job":"TEST", "host":"ward_workstation", "agent":"fluentd"}