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Cassandra - Best table modelling for following query?

I wish to execute the following query:

SELECT value,occurredAt,venueName FROM Transaction_by_card WHERE card = 1234123412341234

and expect a few hundred results for each card, as is your regular credit card bill.

I was thinking about modelling the table like:

(card int, occurredAt timestamp, venueName text, value int PRIMARY KEY (card,timestamp) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY occurredAt desc)

Is that the best model for my use case?


  • Well just make sure that your total records per card should be less than 100 mb (kind of thumb rule in Cassandra) but i would prefer much less value than this.

    If you assume that your result size can be more you can do time based baucketing
    For example a month based bucket will look like

    (card int, occurredAt timestamp, year int, month int, venueName text, value int PRIMARY KEY ( (card, year, month) timestamp) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY occurredAt desc)

    month:04 and year 2020 will be derived from occurredAt timstampp.