I want to improve css syntax in several ways such as:
link-color1 = #fff
this seemy stupid but with variables:width: container - inner - 3px;
#foo{background:#ddd;color:#eee;} #bar {@extend: #foo;color:#fff;}
replace toborder-radius:3px;
these are only examples, my ideas, but the library can be different
I am looking for a php library which parses a file which sytax is similar to css, and generates a valid css document.
This is important that I dont want to insert php sytax into my css file because:
#foo {color:<?php echo $color1; ?>;}
SASS is very good solution for offline work, but i still search for PHP solution because:
Here is an example what i wrote:
php parser at /css/index.php
@color1: #1a1a1a;
@color2: #444444;
div#container {background:@color1;}
div#inner {background:@color2;}
the HTML link:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/?main.css" />
This works only with colors. I need a parser for the listed options.
Thanks to @Kru I found Less.js which is a very nice and clever css parser, but as I said the best solution would be PHP. After a little search on forums and google I found LessPhp which is a PHP port of Less.js
Documentation can be found here.
LessPhp is also on github.