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Font color returns Color.Empty instead of Color.White using Epplus

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This is my test setup, as can be seen the font color is white with some characters in red. When I read it with C# Epplus, I get resulting color as Color.Empty. Code as under:

    ExcelWorksheet ws = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[1];

    int colCount = ws.Dimension.End.Column;  //get Column Count
    int rowCount = ws.Dimension.End.Row;     //get row coun

    // per line
    for (int row = 2; row <= rowCount; row++) {
        for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++) {
            ExcelRange cell = ws.Cells[row, col];

            // get rich text section info
            for (int r = 0; r < cell.RichText.Count; r++) {
                ExcelRichText richText = cell.RichText[r];

                Color rColor = richText.Color; // This shows Color.Empty



  • On further checks it was found that the issue is with Theme Color. Excel has 2 sets of colors in its picker, Theme and Standard, if we only work with Standard colors EPPlus doesn't have a problem and correctly detects it.