i am working on lex chatbot and want to store user data in dynamodb. here is my databaseManager.js file code
'use strict';
const { v1: uuidv1 } = require('uuid');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const dynamo = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
module.exports.saveBookingToDatabase = async function(Arrival_city, Departure_city, Flight_type, Phone_number){
const item = {};
item.bookingId = uuidv1();
item.arrivalCity = Arrival_city;
item.departureCity = Departure_city;
item.classType = Flight_type;
item.phone = Phone_number;
const params = {
TableName: 'air_stallion',
Item: item
try {
let result = await dynamo.put(params)
console.log(`Saving ticket ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);
return item;
} catch(e) {
throw (e)
Table has been created but data is now showing in table
The values should not be empty, give some default values to prevent null or empty values.
For Example:
const item = {};
item.bookingId = uuidv1();
item.arrivalCity = Arrival_city || "Arr";
item.departureCity = Departure_city || "Dept";
item.classType = Flight_type || "Type";
item.phone = Phone_number || "Phone";
If the values are okay, then try with
let result = await dynamo.put(params).promise()