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How to detect ctrl + z and ctrl + y in vuejs?

Hi I am new to vuejs and currently working on an application which requires the method to be called on Ctrl + z and Ctrl + y. This is what I have tried till now

Problem: keyup works only when I ctrl+z is pressed over the input, how do I make it work on div container or make it work on the particular page? is it possible in pure vuejs or i need to install any external library or use traditional event listener way? any suggestions would be helpful

<input @keyup.ctrl.90="method1()" />
<input @keyup.ctrl.89="method2()" />


  • You could set up a keyup handler for the whole page.

    If you want to undo / redo data outside of an input, I think you have to save each change somewhere and then undo / redo it in the keyup handler.

    <div>{{ output }}</div>
    data () {
      return {
        changes: [],
        output: ''
    mounted () {
      document.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyupHandler)
    destroyed () {
      document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyupHandler)
    methods: {
      logChange (string) {
      keyupHandler (event) {
        if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'z') {
        else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'y') {
      undoHandler () {
        // Get the data from "this.changes" and set the output
        this.output = ...
      redoHandler () {
        // Get the data from "this.changes" and set the output
        this.output = ...