I'm trying to get observable mongo data using Rx 3.1.0, im trying to implement "Observable.from_" an error appear that "from_" is not recongized as observable method
from pymongo import MongoClient
from rx import Observable
def collect_data(dbname, collection):
clt = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = clt[dbname]
col = db[collection]
colData= col.find().limit(10)
return Observable.from_(colData)
collect_data('test', 'money').subscribe(print(data))
an error appear that "from_" is not recongized as observable method
I'm trying to use rx.of
from pymongo import MongoClient
import rx
def collect_data(dbname, collection):
clt = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = clt[dbname]
col = db[collection]
colData= col.find().limit(10)
return rx.of(colData)
collect_data('test', 'money').subscribe(lambda data: print('{0}'.format(data)))
I get
<pymongo.cursor.Cursor object at 0x000001BF824FE8C8>
instead of
i should replace with the new statement of RxPY 3.1.0
rx.from_(colData).pipe( ops.filter(...), ops.distinct(...), ops.take(...), ops.map(...), )