I've started using AWS ECR to store my docker images. When I try to authenticate an IAM user, via Powershell (the same happens when I do via AWS command line) I receive a 401:UnAuthorized. If I use the Auth key/secret of the root user, it works and authenticates.
The PowerShell script I use is
(Get-ECRLoginCommand).Password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 474389077978.dkr.ecr.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/myreoi
I've replaced the AWS user with the IAM user. I've also added the IAM user to the admins, but it doesn't seem enough.
Any suggestion? Thanks
The IAM user must be assigned a role to access the ECR service. This can be done by adding inline policy in the permission section of the groups.
Please follow the below steps to perform use non-root IAM users can perform docker ecr operation.
1.) Create IAM user say "ecr-user".
2.) Create IAM group called "ecr-group".
3.) Add user ecr-user to ecr-group.
4.) Create a role "ecr-role"
5.) Attach the policy name "AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole" to the role ecr-role.
6.) Go in the group section of the AWS console.
7.) Select the group "ecr-group" and go to the permission tab.
Add policy - "AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole" using attach policy button.
8.) "Click here" in the inline policy section of the permission tab.
9.) Choose custom policy.
10.) Choose a name for custom policy - "ecr-passon"
11.) Add policy json given above - ensure to change your account id.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/ecr-role"
All these steps will attach the role ecr-role to the ecr-user of the group ecr-group with policy AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole.
AWS programmatic IAM users must assume a role to perform some operations.
Use the reference to understand the pass on the role. Pass a Role to an AWS Service