I need to make a small project for my university -create webapp that will solve Transportation Problem and I am making MVP version really. I am using Django for webapp and PuLP for transportation problem part.
When launching my problem solving logic I receive an error:
NameError at / free variable 'y' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope
for line:
prob += lpSum([route_vars[x][y] for x in Distributors]) <= supply[x], "Sum of Products out of Warehouse %s"%x
I was using PuLP example from their GitHub here
My code for this part is as below:
Warehouses = [0,1,2]
supply = { 0: deliver1,
1: deliver2,
2: deliver3
Distributors = [0, 1, 2]
demand = { 0: receiver1,
1: receiver2,
2: receiver3
costs = [ #dsitributors -static variables for debugging will change that later on
#D E F
[3, 5, 7],#A Warehouse
[12, 10, 9],#B Warehouse
[13, 3, 9],#C Warehouse
prob = LpProblem("Transportation Problem",LpMinimize)
Routes = [(x,y) for x in Warehouses for y in Distributors]
route_vars = LpVariable.dicts("Route",(Warehouses,Distributors),0,None,LpInteger)
prob += lpSum([route_vars[x][y]*costs[x][y] for (x,y) in Routes]), "Sum of Transporting Costs"
for x in Warehouses:
prob += lpSum([route_vars[x][y] for x in Distributors]) <= supply[x], "Sum of Products out of Warehouse %s"%x
for y in Distributors:
prob += lpSum([route_vars[x][y] for y in Warehouses]) >= demand[y], "Sum of Products into Distributors %s"%y
print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)
print("Total Cost of transportation = ", value(prob.objective))
I guess that's just some stupid mistake I made but cannot really find it... Also naming Warehouses and Distributors by numbers and not names was my workaround for receiving
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
for the same line.
In the supply constraints, assign Distributors
to y
(currently y
is undefined), like this:
for x in Warehouses:
prob += lpSum([route_vars[x][y] for y in Distributors]) <= supply[x], "Sum of Products out of Warehouse %s"%x
The same error applies to the demand constraints where Warehouses
should be assigned to x
For deployment Apache and mod_wsgi is one option. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi/