I have two tables users and db_ips and I need to compare users lattitude and longitude with two three decimal points value with db_ips table column lat lon, For this I write query in laravel.
$users = \DB::table('users')
->select("id", "latitude", "longitude")
->Join('IPAddress AS IP', \DB::raw('ROUND(IP.lat,3)'), '=', \DB::raw('ROUND(users.latitude,3)'))
->where('users.login_tries', "=", 0)
->where('users.latitude', "<>", "")
->orderBy("id", "ASC")->limit(100)->get();
return !$users->isEmpty() ? $users : [];
For two three decimal comparison I use ROUND medthod in join but when I run the query I get following error instead of results
Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::join(), 1 passed in /home/rizwan/php/fayvo/archive/app/Console/Commands/SyncUserLocat
ion.php on line 139 and at least 2 expected
I also try to raw query but unknow column_name in field_list error received
join(string $table, string $first, string|null $operator = null, string|null $second = null, string $type = 'inner', bool $where = false)
According to join
API, it need at least 2 parameters, so change your code like this:
->Join('IPAddress AS IP', \DB::raw('ROUND(IP.lat,3)'), '=', \DB::raw('ROUND(users.latitude,3)'))