I am currently coding a BlackJack Game, and now I am at the Sprint for the HAND and the thing is that the Hand has a HandVALUE and a HandRATING. This Value or Rating represent the Handsproperties or fields. The problem is (you will se it more in the code) that when I create a new HAND in the Console.NetFramework (UI) and type Console.WriteLine(Console.WriteLine("The Value of the hand is: " + hand.HandValue); or Console.WriteLine("The Rating of the hand is: " + hand.HandRating); that they always are 0 and None. 0 = HandValue and None is the HandRating. But they should have other Values and Ratings because (as you will see in the code) there are 3 cards with the value of 7 each = HANDVALUE : 21 and the HandRating should be TripleSeven (because we have 3 7-value cards). The Properties should be used and should set the HandValue and HandRating. (The code is very shortly shown here. If I would left something behind no one would understand the problem and code constructions)
Console.WriteLine("HAND - TESTS");
Hand hand = new Hand();
Console.WriteLine("First, output of the cards in the hand at the beginning. If their is nothing to see, the test" +
"is positive.");
ICard card3 = new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Heart);
ICard card4 = new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Spade);
ICard card5 = new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Diamond);
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to add one card to the hand:");
Console.WriteLine("If there is only one card ---> then this hand function is working.");
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to add the next card:");
Console.WriteLine("If there are 3 cards ---> then this hand function is working.");
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to continue:");
Console.WriteLine("The Value of the hand is: " + hand.HandValue);
Console.WriteLine("The Rating of the hand is: " + hand.HandRating);
The hand class and the last down ENUM HandRating:
public class Hand
private List<ICard> _cardsInHand = new List<ICard>();
private int _handValue;
private HandRating _handRating;
public int HandValue
return _handValue;
public HandRating HandRating
return _handRating;
if (_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[2].Value == CardValue.Seven)
_handRating = HandRating.TripleSeven;
else if (_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Jack &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Ace)
_handRating = HandRating.BlackJack;
else if (_handValue > 21)
_handRating = HandRating.Busted;
else {
_handRating = HandRating.None;
public IEnumerable<ICard> CardsInHand
return _cardsInHand;
public void CardsInHandConsole()
foreach (ICard card in _cardsInHand)
public void AddCard(ICard card)
public void ClearHand()
_handValue = 0;
_handRating = HandRating.None;
private void CalculateHandValue()
for (int i = 0; i <= _cardsInHand.Count(); i++)
public void ReturnValue(int index)
if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Two)
_handValue =+2;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Three)
_handValue =+3;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Four)
_handValue =+4;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Five)
_handValue =+5;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Six)
_handValue =+6;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Seven)
_handValue =+7;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Eight)
_handValue =+8;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Nine)
_handValue =+9;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Queen)
_handValue =+10;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.King)
_handValue =+10;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Jack)
_handValue =+10;
else if (_cardsInHand[index].Value == CardValue.Ace)
if ((_handValue + 11) > 21)
_handValue =+1;
_handValue =+11;
public enum HandRating
There are a couple of things that needed to be changed in order to get the code to work:
In the Hand
class, HandValue
and HandRating
both have setters which does nothing, and should be refactored to be:
public int HandValue { get; private set; }
public HandRating HandRating { get; private set; }
At the same time, remove the _handValue
and _handRating
fields as it's not necessary, and replace with the properties above.
In CalculateHandValue()
, there's a bug which introduces an IndexOutOfRange
exception (the <= in the for loop should be <). CalculateHandValue()
can be refactored to make use of a foreach loop, like below:
private void CalculateHandValue()
foreach (var card in _cardsInHand)
doesn't cover all the card values (for instance 7 which was the use case in your console. Also, the incrementing was done incorrectly (should be += 2 instead of = +2). This is what it will look like if we add the new use case and fix the increment:
private void ReturnValue(ICard card)
if (card.Value == CardValue.Two)
HandValue += 2;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Three)
HandValue += 3;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Four)
HandValue += 4;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Seven)
HandValue += 7;
I'll leave it up to you as an exercise to fill in the rest of the hand values, and maybe look into converting it into a switch
Create a new method CalculateHandRating()
which will use most of the logic from the HandRating
setter, but with modifications to ensure no no IndexOutOfRangeException
private void CalculateHandRating()
if (_cardsInHand.Count == 3 &&
_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[2].Value == CardValue.Seven)
HandRating = HandRating.TripleSeven;
else if (_cardsInHand.Count == 2 &&
_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Jack &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Ace)
HandRating = HandRating.BlackJack;
else if (HandValue > 21)
HandRating = HandRating.Busted;
HandRating = HandRating.None;
Note the _cardsInHand.Count
clauses at each if block to ensure we have the correct number of cards in hand before evaluating.
Finally, in AddCard
, add the following like so:
public void AddCard(ICard card)
The class should look like this:
public class Hand
private List<ICard> _cardsInHand = new List<ICard>();
public int HandValue { get; private set; }
public HandRating HandRating { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<ICard> CardsInHand
return _cardsInHand;
public void CardsInHandConsole()
foreach (ICard card in _cardsInHand)
public void AddCard(ICard card)
public void ClearHand()
HandValue = 0;
HandRating = HandRating.None;
private void CalculateHandValue()
foreach (var card in _cardsInHand)
private void CalculateHandRating()
if (_cardsInHand.Count == 3 &&
_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Seven &&
_cardsInHand[2].Value == CardValue.Seven)
HandRating = HandRating.TripleSeven;
else if (_cardsInHand.Count == 2 &&
_cardsInHand[0].Value == CardValue.Jack &&
_cardsInHand[1].Value == CardValue.Ace)
HandRating = HandRating.BlackJack;
else if (HandValue > 21)
HandRating = HandRating.Busted;
HandRating = HandRating.None;
private void ReturnValue(ICard card)
if (card.Value == CardValue.Two)
HandValue += 2;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Three)
HandValue += 3;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Four)
HandValue += 4;
else if (card.Value == CardValue.Seven)
HandValue += 7;