I have a multi-step form but it is a little different from commons. The difference is not all steps are consecutive and forms may be inorder. To be clear, let say there are
, Form2
, Form3
and Form4
Those may run like Form1
- Form2
- Form3
or Form1
- Form2
- Form4
. However, there is no chance like Form2
- Form1
(Form_x - form_y | x < y)
How can I implement such form chains in django ? Also, I couldn't understand how FormWizard works. Does it produce back button automatically or how does it behave when user turns to previous form ? Could explain or give simple example or refernce ?
FormWizard will not provide back nor submit buttons, this is up to your template.
FormWizard is just a fancy view that will handle the template rendering and pass the data around forms until completion.