I have a simple MVC web application, which was running locally without problems 3 weeks ago.
When I now open the application in Netbeans and run it, everything seems to work fine as well. However, when I go to the browser (in my case google chrome) to look at the app's frontend (at http://localhost:8080/optimizer), I get the following error message:
HTTP Status 404 - Not Found
In Chrome's javascript console the following error message is given:
optimizer:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
"optimizer" is the name of the app. (What's the point of the "1" in "optimizer:1"? ... I don't get this either.)
The server (payara) is running:
I can also reach the server's admin page:
However, somehow the server cannot seem to find the application, although 3 weeks ago everything worked fine ... I just don't get it. What's wrong? How can I fix this?
Clicking on "List Deployed Applications" in Payara's Admin Console reveals that my app is not(!) deployed.
I tried to deploy it by clicking on "Deploy an Application" -> "Choose file". I selected the jar-file "optimizer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", selected Type "EJB Jar", then clicked on OK.
I got this error message:
Archive type of /private/var/folders/hh/hgq7wrjn5d51gy2tkbxkkbwh0000gn/T/optimizer-15075570634779987058.0-SNAPSHOT.jar was not recognized
How can I deploy my app? And why did it work automatically before and now it doesn't work any more?
A difference I realise compared to before (3 weeks ago) is that the browser doesn't open automatically any more when I run the app. Furthermore, Google Chrome used to be the IDE'S default browser ... now there is just a grey globe and I can no longer choose Chrome as my browser:
I just noticed there is an error message that appears when the server is started (it's in the middle of hundred of rows of log output so I didn't notice it at first):
-> NetBeans IDE 11.2 -> Payara Server 5.193
Ok, I now found out how to run the app locally without problems: by creating a .war file instead of a .jar file - now I can run the app again without problems.