It happen when I run in terminal firebase emulators:start
bellow all output
i emulators: Starting emulators: functions, hosting
✔ hub: emulator hub started at ht tp://localhost:4400
⚠ Your requested "node" version "8" doesn't match your global version "10"
✔ functions: functions emulator started at ht tp://localhost:5001
i hosting: Serving hosting files from: dist/spa-mat
✔ hosting: Local server: ht tp://localhost:5000
✔ hosting: hosting emulator started at http://localhost:5000
i functions: Watching "/var/w ww/html/teachers/agnos2108-app.teachersnow-6391de281bf3/functions" for Cloud Functions...
✔ functions[sendEmailLogger]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/sendEmailLogger).
✔ functions[sendMail]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/sendMail).
✔ functions[payClbBNKTN2019ID]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/payClbBNKTN2019ID).
✔ functions[payClbBNKTN2019]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/payClbBNKTN2019).
✔ functions[payClbCCTN2019]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/payClbCCTN2019).
✔ functions[payClbCDTN2019]: http function initialized (ht tp://localhost:5001/teachernow-7082b/us-central1/payClbCDTN2019).
i functions[SchedulesOn]: function ignored because the database emulator does not exist or is not running.
i functions[UsersOn]: function ignored because the database emulator does not exist or is not running.
i functions[BankslipOn]: function ignored because the database emulator does not exist or is not running.
i functions[sendWelcomeEmail]: function ignored because the auth emulator does not exist or is not running.
✔ emulators: All emulators started, it is now safe to connect.
you can simply go to the node.js official website and download the version you want and install it. or you can use nvm to do that.
for nvm you have to install nvm from there you will have the a command to install nvm and after installation you have to restart your temrminal.
then use this command-
nvm install 12.16.1
12.16.1 is the version you can change it with the version you want.