I want to create an R function that generates the cyclic finite group F[x].
Basically, I need to find a way to store polynomials, or at the least a polynomial's coefficients, in a single element in an R vector.
For example, if I have a set F={0,1,x,1+x}, I would like to save these four polynomials into an R vector such as
F[1] <- 0 + 0x
F[2] <- 1 + 0x
F[3] <- 0 + x
F[4] <- 1 + x
But I keep getting the error: "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
Is there a way that I can at least do something like:
F[1] <- (0,0)
F[2] <- (1,0)
F[3] <- (0,1)
F[4] <- (1,1)
For reference in case anyone is interested in the mathematical problem I am trying to work with, my entire R function so far is
gf <- function(q,p){
### First we need to create an irreducible polynomial of degree p
poly <- polynomial(coef=c(floor(runif(p,min=0,max=q)),1)) #This generates the first polynomial of degree p with coefficients ranging between the integer values of 0,1,...,q
for(i in 1:(q^5*p)){ #we generate/check our polynomial a sufficient amount of times to ensure that we get an irreducible polynomial
poly.x <- as.function(poly) #we coerce the generated polynomial into a function
for(j in 0:q){ #we check if the generated polynomial is irreducible
if(poly.x(j) %% q == 0){ #if we find that a polynomial is reducible, then we generate a new polynomial
poly <- polynomial(coef=c(floor(runif(p,min=0,max=q)),1)) #...and go through the loop again
### Now, we need to construct the cyclic group F[x] given the irreducible polynomial "poly"
F <- c(rep(0,q^p)) #initialize the vector F
for(j in 0:(q^p-1)){
#F[j] <- polynomial(coef = c(rep(j,p)))
F[j] <- c(rep(0,3))
Make sure F
is a list and then use [[]]
to place the values
F[[1]] <- c(0,0)
F[[2]] <- c(1,0)
F[[3]] <- c(0,1)
F[[4]] <- c(1,1)
Lists can hold heterogeneous data types. If everything will be a constant and a coefficient for x, then you can also use a matrix. Just set each row value with the [row, col]
type subsetting. You will need to initialize the size at the time you create it. It will not grow automatically like a list.
F <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=4)
F[1, ] <- c(0,0)
F[2, ] <- c(1,0)
F[3, ] <- c(0,1)
F[4, ] <- c(1,1)