I noticed that actions are dispatched twice , So I realized the reason was that the store was initiated twice based on this answer : 'Redux - Angular: How prevent actions called twice?'
I tried that in reducer function :
default: {
return state;
These are the actions :
{type: "@ngrx/store/init"}
{type: "@ngrx/effects/init"}
my imports in app.module.ts :
StoreModule.forRoot({ auth: authReducer }),
EffectsModule.forRoot([ AuthEffects ]),
so how I can prevent one of those initiations ??
that's fine and by design, the first one is for reducers and the second one is for effects, because effects are initialized later than the store and it's too later for @ngrx/store/init
. therefore in effects initialization is done on @ngrx/effects/init