I want to set "grains_cache" variable to "True" from Salt Master on all Minions. This variable is from default options that exist in minion config file and cannot be overridden by pillar data. So how can I set variables (for example "grains_cache", "grains_cache_expiration" or "log_file") from Master?
this should be an easy one. Manage the minion configuration file using the file.managed
A simple sls should help here:
- name: /etc/salt/minion
- contents: |
grains_cache: true
backup_mode: minion
- name: salt-call --local service.restart salt-minion
- bg: True
- order: last
- watch:
- file: salt-minion-config
In this example, saltstack ensures that the two lines beneath - contents: |
are present within the minions configuration file.
The second state: salt-minion-restart
will restart the salt-minion if the minion configuration file is being touched (managed by the first state).
So in short terms, this state adds your variables to the minion's configuration and restarts the minion afterwards.
This formula is os-independent. The last thing left to do is, to target all of your minions with this.
If you want to know more about the cmd.wait
and the shown example, please refer to this documentation.
I hope i could help.