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How is the hashPrefix in the css-loader options suppose to work?

Been following the examples on css-loader hashPrefix.

The webpack config setup is

  test: /\.css$/,
  exclude: path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
  use: [
      loader: 'style-loader',
      loader: 'css-loader',
      options: {
        modules: true,
        hashPrefix: 'hash',

and the output css keys are

big: "app__big--iUuZi"
env: "app__env--3ylTw"
header: "app__header--3w1O7"

I was expecting something like

big: "hash_app__big--iUuZi"
env: "hash_app__env--3ylTw"
header: "hash_app__header--3w1O7"

Can someone clarify the hashPrefix?


  • From: clarkdo's answer here:

    By default, css-loader generates hash from the webpack request like:


    hashPrefix is for adding a prefix (like salt) for generating more unique hash like:


    So, specifying a hash prefix will change the default result of Webpack's hashing function. What you will see as a result (numbers and letters after localIdentName) will always be a gibberish, but, kind of a custom gibberish when you add the hash prefix.