While using floor database can we set an action which will turn as a boolean like below example?
Future<bool> isItAdded(in user_id) async{
var = dbClient = await db;
List<Map> list = await dbClient.rawQuery{SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user_id}, [user_id]}
return list.lenght > 0 ? true : false
You may write DAO object:
abstract class UsersDao {
@Query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = :userId')
Future<List<User>> findUsers(Int userId);
Before that you neeed to create entity:
@Entity(tableName: 'users')
class User{
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate: true)
final int id;
@ColumnInfo(name: 'user_id')
final int userId;
Also you need to create database access object:
part 'database.g.dart'; // the generated code will be there
@Database(version: 1, entities: [User])
abstract class AppDatabase extends FloorDatabase {
UsersDao get usersDao;
Then generate additional code by command:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
And then write check function inside database access object:
Future<bool> isItAdded(in user_id) async {
List<User> list = await usersDao.findUsers(user_id);
return list.lenght > 0;
The best solution is not to add user_id column and use only unique id column.