I have VMs created as normal user. I can access them via the GUI and via python bindings (pyvbox). I have a python script that I need to run as root to access other ressources. I cannot access any VMs via the GUI nor python bindings as root. How can I access them from my script ?
Should I drop privileges from my script ran as root whenever I need to access vbox ? and then go back to root user when i need to access other resources ? How would you do this and is it a good idea ?
I found a solution that requires the name of the user for which you want to monitor VMs:
import os, pwd, virtualbox
# change location of vbox settings file
# change uid to user's
# setting euid alone does not work
os.setresuid(pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_uid, uid)
# create your vbox
# change back to initial uid
os.setresuid(uid, uid, uid)
You can use vbox exactly like you would as vbox_user.