I have made a contour plot in Python for an optimization algorithm. Now, I am having trouble plotting the iterative points in Python. My (x,y) points are stored as vectors within an array. Here is an example of such:
[array([-1, -2]),
array([ 0.93396226, -0.45283019]),
array([2.86792453, 1.09433962]),...]
How could I plot each of these points on top of my existing contour plot using matplotlib?
Further explanation: I have this array of arrays. They represent x- and y-coordinates. I want to put these (x,y) coordinates on top of my contour plot.
I think, you are looking for something like that:
import pylab as plt
# ....
a = [array([-1, -2]),
array([ 0.93396226, -0.45283019]),
array([2.86792453, 1.09433962]),...]
x = array(a)[:, 0]
y = array(a)[:, 1]
# some contourf stuff
plt.scatter(x, y)