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OLAP dimension for boolean, time, selective count

I have just started tinkering with MS SQL Analysis Services. For a start, I'm creating one cube from sales detail table. For the dimensions I have created ProductDim from product master table, LocationDim from location tables, and a CalendarDim.

However I'm stuck when trying to provide these data:

  • boolean: how do I let user filter active/inactive transactions? Should I create a dimension containing 2 values, TRUE and FALSE?
  • time: should I create a dimension containing 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 or should I merge time into my calendar dimension?
  • transaction count: one transaction can have many line items, there's line item id, and there's transaction id, how do I set the dimension so user can see transaction count? Because the count of the measure is line item count.


  • So, I've been reading about this quite a bit recently, and I will try to answer each one as much as theory suggests:

    1. For this, you should create something called 'junk' dimension: its basically a dimension with no attributes.

    2. You probably don't want the time dimension merged with calendar. You'll end up storing way too many records. If your granularity is minute, then one day would be 24 * 60 = 1440 records. You have to decide how granular you want to go (per minute, per second??) And then store an entire days worth of time in a 'Time' dimension. So you fact tables will have two keys, one to your calendar dimension, and one to your 'time' dimension.

    3. Transaction count should be a 'measure', I think (no?). I assume you have transaction id repeated, because you have multiple line items per transaction. When you setup the measure, you can do 'distinct count' of transaction id.