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RightMove Datafeed API Auth - Axios TLS auth

I am working on a module that requires me to feed data into RightMove using their API. But before that, it requires mutual authentication to verify the data feeder - which uses some certificates and keys.

I received the following file formats from RightMove:

  • file.jks
  • file.p12
  • file.pem

I also have a passphrase provided by RightMove to use with these (or one of these) files.

Now I have to use these files to auth with RightMove but I am not sure what file does what. I am using Axios with Node.js

Can someone help me form an axios call that would make use of these files for auth?


  • So I solved it using the p12 file and the passphrase only. The JKS file and PEM file were not needed.

    const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({
       pfx: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/p12/file'),
       passphrase: '<your-passphrase>',
    await, data, { headers, httpsAgent })