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Typescript Function Overload Incompatibility

I have been implementing an NgRx store and found myself using the pattern

 concatMap(action => of(action).pipe(

(from bottom of

Considering how much room it can take up, I wanted to write a handy utility operator to handle it.

So I came up with an implementation that should work:

export function concatMapLatestFrom<A extends Action>(
    ...xs: Array<ObservableInput<never>>
): OperatorFunction<A, unknown> {
    return function (source: Observable<A>): Observable<unknown> {
        return source.pipe(
            concatMap((action) => of(action).pipe(withLatestFrom(...xs))),

I wrote some properly typed overloads:

export function concatMapLatestFrom<X1, A extends Action>(
    source1: ObservableInput<X1>,
): { (source1: X1): OperatorFunction<A, [A, X1]> };

export function concatMapLatestFrom<X1, X2, A extends Action>(
    source1: ObservableInput<X1>,
    source2: ObservableInput<X2>,
): { (source1: X1, source2: X2): OperatorFunction<A, [A, X1, X2]> };

export function concatMapLatestFrom<X1, X2, X3, A extends Action>(
    source1: ObservableInput<X1>,
    source2: ObservableInput<X2>,
    source3: ObservableInput<X3>,
): {
    (source1: X1, source2: X2, source3: X3): OperatorFunction<
        [A, X1, X2, X3]

But for some reason it thinks the overload signature is not compatible with the implementation. If I comment out one of them, it repeats for the next one in line.

It escapes me what is actually wrong with this, and it would be nice for the compiler to tell me why it isn't compatible but unfortunately it doesn't give any details.


  • I think the culprits are the never and unknown types you're using there.

    So, if you have

        concatMapLatestFrom(of('john'), of(true))

    then, if I understood correctly, the observer should receive a [number, string, boolean] tuple.

    As far as I can tell, concatMapLatestFrom does not says that very clearly:

    function concatMapLatestFrom (): OperatorFunction<A, unknown> {}

    So, we've only got the first element of that tuple, which is the source's type. What would be left to do is to property infer the other types, based on the types of the ObservableInputs provided to concatMapLatestFrom.

    with this in mind, here would be my approach:

    export function concatMapLatestFrom<
      A extends Action,
      U extends Array<ObservableInput<any>>,
      R = Unshift<ObservedValueTupleFromArray<U>, A>
    > (
      ...xs: U
    ): OperatorFunction<A, R> {
      return function (source: Observable<A>): Observable<R> {
        return source.pipe(
          concatMap((action) => of(action).pipe(withLatestFrom(...xs))),

    The types used can be exported from 'rxjs':

    // Mapped tuples:
    // E.g [Observable<number>, Observable<string>] --> [number, string]
    export type ObservedValueTupleFromArray<X> =
      X extends Array<ObservableInput<any>>
      ? { [K in keyof X]: ObservedValueOf<X[K]> }
      : never;
    // Simply extract the value
    export type ObservedValueOf<O> = O extends ObservableInput<infer T> ? T : never;
    // Unshift<[B, C], A> --> [A, B, C]
    export type Unshift<X extends any[], Y> =
      ((arg: Y, X) => any) extends ((...args: infer U) => any)
      ? U
      : never;
