I want to style JavaFX TabPane dropdown menu. The menu, which appears when there is too much tabs to fit to screen. I have found this substructure in java documentation.
- tab-header-area — StackPane
- headers-region — StackPane
- tab-header-background — StackPane
- control-buttons-tab — StackPane
- tab-down-button — Pane
- arrow — StackPane
- tab — Tab
- tab-label — Label
- tab-close-button — StackPane
- tab-content-area — StackPane
But there is nothing about the dropdown menu. So is there any way to style this with css?
Too late to the party, but this might help someone. You can access the tabs menu using this code:
// Access the tabs menu itself
.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .control-buttons-tab > .container > .tab-down-button .context-menu {
// Do something.
// Access menu item
.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .control-buttons-tab > .container > .tab-down-button .context-menu .radio-menu-item {
// Do something.
// Access menu item's text
.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .control-buttons-tab > .container > .tab-down-button .context-menu .radio-menu-item .label {
// Do something.
// Access menu item's check sign
.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .control-buttons-tab > .container > .tab-down-button .context-menu .radio-menu-item .left-container .radio {
// Do something.