all! I'm making a Discord bot, and with the ban command, will come a way to ban someone for a specified time. Duration strings will go up to days. A full string may look something like these:
/ 5h30m
/ 14d
/ 10m
I'm looking for a way to parse these strings and get something back like {"minutes": 10, "hours": 5}
It doesn't need to be a dictionary, just something where I can tell which unit of time it is and multiply it to get how long the ban should last.
Any ideas are appreciated!
You could use regular expressions to parse the time string, and use datetime
to convert to the desired unit of measurement, e.g. seconds:
import re, datetime
test_str = '0d20h30m'
conv_dict = {
'd': 'days',
'h': 'hours',
'm': 'minutes',
's': 'seconds',
pat = r'[0-9]+[s|m|h|d]{1}'
def timestr_to_dict(tstr):
'e.g. convert 1d2h3m4s to {"d": 1, "h": 2, "m": 3, "s": 4}'
return {conv_dict[p[-1]]: int(p[:-1]) for p in re.findall(pat, test_str)}
{'days': 0, 'hours': 20, 'minutes': 30}
def timestr_to_seconds(tstr):
return datetime.timedelta(**timestr_to_dict(tstr)).total_seconds()
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