I am working on a Roblox lua script that I found when searching for backdoors into a game I moderate. The backdoor loaded an external script that I got the source code for and I am working on decoding and reverse engineering it.
The line that I am having trouble with is
local varname = #{6133}
This is really confusing me because I have never encountered it before. I do very little Lua programming but I am experience in Java and C++, but even after research I don't know what the #{number} does.
I have also ran into #{num1, num2, num3, etc.} but I suspect that does practically the same as the first line in this post.
If anyone can help me understand what the above does that would be great, thank you.
creates a sequence with one element: 6133. #
is the length operator, which tells you how many elements are in a sequence. Putting them together, it becomes clear that #{6133}
is just a complicated way of writing the number 1