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CollectionView Custom cell Label Disappears on Scroll

I have a custom cell for my collectionview and one of the labels in the cell disappears when I scroll down and back up to the cell again.

Here is my cellForItemAt:

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
if collectionView == productCollectionView {
if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: Identifiers.ProductCell, for: indexPath) as? ProductCell {

if cartProducts.contains(products[indexPath.item]) {
//this is the product
var product = products[indexPath.item]
//get the index from cartProducts
let index = cartProducts.firstIndex(of: product)

//Get the cartcount and update the product
let cartCount: Int = cartProducts[index!].cartCount
product.cartCount = cartCount
products[indexPath.item] = product

//now set the updated product for cell.product
cell.product = products[indexPath.item]
cell.delegate = self
return cell

} else {
cell.product = products[indexPath.item]
cell.delegate = self
return cell

} else 
if collectionView == categoryCollectionView{
//...this is another collection and not the collectionView that I have problem with
return cell

return UICollectionViewCell()

And here is what I have in y custom cell for the label that is disappearing when I scroll down and back up to the cell:

class ProductCell: UICollectionViewCell {
var product: Product!
        didSet {

func commonUIUpdate() {
//set the price per amount and its unit
        if product.pricePerAmountExist == true {
            pricePerAmountLbl.isHidden = false
            if let PricePerAmount = formatter.string(from: Double(product.pricePerAmount)/100 as NSNumber) {
                let PricePerAmountVoume = Float(String(Double(product.pricePerAmountVolume)/100))?.clean ?? ""

                pricePerAmountLbl.text = "\(PricePerAmount)/\(String(describing: PricePerAmountVoume))\(product.pricePerAmountUnit)"
        } else
            if product.pricePerAmountExist == false {
                pricePerAmountLbl.isHidden = true

I have the label pricePerAmountLbl.isHidden set to true and false when needed but still I dont understand why its disappearing. When I dont set the hidden status for the label in the custom cell the content of the label gets repeated in all cell which is not right either.


I added the following to the cell but still no success the problem is still there

else if product.pricePerAmountExist == false {
    pricePerAmountLbl.isHidden = true
} else {
   pricePerAmountLbl.isHidden = false


  • There was nothing wrong with my code! The error was happening in storyboard. My label was stored in a stackview and that stackview was stored in another stackview; when I was scrolling and the label would go hidden the stackview height would have gone to zero and it stayed at zero even though I unhide the label.