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How can I authorize Google Speech-to-text from Google Apps script?

I'm trying to execute google-speech-to-text from apps script. Unfortunately, I cannot find any examples for apps script or pure HTTP, so I can run it using simple UrlFetchApp.

I created a service account and setup a project with enabled speech-to-text api, and was able to successfully run recognition using command-line example

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \ \ -d @sync-request.json

which I can easily translate to UrlFetchApp call, but I don't have an idea to generate access token created by

gcloud auth application-default print-access-token

Is there a way to get it from apps script using service account credentials?

Or is there any other way to auth and access speech-to-text from apps script?


  • The equivalent of retrieving access tokens through service accounts is through the apps script oauth library. The library handles creation of the JWT token.

    Sample here