Ive been wrestling with the code below for a long time now, and just when i thought it works it doesnt, and it doesnt even give me an error.
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE " & table & " SET ArithmeticScore = @score WHERE DateAscending = " & todaysdate
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(conn)
Using command As New OleDbCommand(sql, connection)
command.Parameters.Add("@score", OleDbType.Decimal).Value = score
MsgBox("score was added = " & score)
End Using
End Using
currently holds the value 27/04/2020
as date
holds the connection string, table
holds the table name.
The messagebox outputs what it is meant to, with score
having a decimal value that should be added into the table.
The purpose of this code is to update the ArithmeticScore
column in the table, Where DateAscending = 27/04/2020
. When the program is finished, and i check the database, the cell remains blank. Why could this be?
This is because executed query can not find required record.
Try to set correct type for sql parameter for DateAscending
Dim sql As String =
$"UPDATE {table} SET ArithmeticScore = @score WHERE DateAscending = @todaysdate"
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(conn)
Using command As New OleDbCommand(sql, connection)
command.Parameters.Add("@score", OleDbType.Decimal).Value = score
command.Parameters.Add("@todaysdate", OleDbType.Date).Value = DateTime.Now.Date
Dim affectedRows As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
' Check or display that affectedRows is greater than zero
End Using
End Using