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How to compare a range of two numbers in a single row with a number in the same row?

I have three columns, one is the minimum price for a product, another is a maximum price for the product, and the actual price for a product. I'm trying to go row by row and compare the minimum and maximum price with the actual price to see if it is within that range.

Here is some sample data:

MinimumPrice    MaximumPrice    ActualPrice
30.5               41                51
95.5              100                92
45.5              50                 43
70                75                 80

I tried to use:

TBAcomparison$withinRange_Price<- ifelse(sapply(Prices$ActualPrice, function(p) 
  any(Prices$MaximumPrice <= p & Prices$MinimumPrice>= p)),1, NA)

Although, this isn't exactly what I'm looking for.

The result should be:

MinimumPrice    MaximumPrice    ActualPrice      WithinRange
30.5               41                51             1
95.5              100                92             NA
42.5              50                 43             1
70                75                 80             NA

Anyone able to assist would be much appreciated.


structure(list(MinimumPrice = c(30.5, 95.5, 45.5, 70), MaximumPrice = c(41, 
100, 50, 75), ActualPrice = c(51, 92, 43, 80), withinrange = c("No", 
"No", "No", "No")), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))


  • An option with dplyr

    Prices %>%
       mutate(withinRange_Price = case_when(ActualPrice > MinimumPrice & 
                 ActualPrice <= MaximumPrice ~ 1))