I would like to know if It's possible to update a document using a partial document, and use a script to perform another action, for example if I add data1 and then add data2, I want my document to look like final_result. I want everything to be replaced and added except the tag field.
data1 = {"name" : "myname", "code" : 123, "tag" : "first"}
data2 = {"name" : "myname", "code" : 555, "tag" : "second", "age":"50", "children": "3"}
final_result = {"name" : "myname", "code" : 555, "tag" : ["first","second"], "age":"50", "children": "3"}
I can add tag field using this script , but I don't know how to add the missing fields at the same time, also I don't know what fields might be added in advanced.
POST myindex/_update/1
"script" : {
"source": "if(! ctx._source.tag.contains(params.tag)){if (ctx._source.tag instanceof List) { ctx._source.tag.add(params.tag) } else { ctx._source.tag = [ctx._source.tag, params.tag] }}",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"tag" : "sec"
I really appreciate it if anyone can give me example on how to do this in python.
You just need to set the new values for the fields.
POST myindex/_update/1
"script": {
"source": """
if (ctx._source.tag instanceof List) {
} else {
ctx._source.tag = [ctx._source.tag, params.tag]
ctx._source.code = params.code
"lang": "painless",
"params": {
"tag": "sec",
"code": "555"
This is the same way on Python, creating the Elasticsearch instance and calling the update_by_query API
es = Elasticsearch(['https://user:secret@localhost:443'])
es = Elasticsearch(
['localhost', 'otherhost'],
http_auth=('user', 'secret'),
And then... The body is the same script you have
self.es.update_by_query(index = indexName, body = q)