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I am getting error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get', and I can't quite figure out how to solve said problem

I am writing code that asks for a numerical input through Tkinter. Where that is going to be used as a perimeter in a loop that carries out the function of rolling two dice. I am getting error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get', and I can't quite figure out how to solve said problem.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk() 

numlist = []

question = Label(root, text = "how many times do you want to roll the two dice? : ").pack()

def myClick():

    value = e.get() + 0
    return int(value)
    for u in range(value):                                                           
    print(dict((r, numlist.count(r) ) for r in sorted(numlist)))

e = Entry(root, width=50).pack()

B_Enter = Button(root, text="Enter", command=myClick).pack()



  • You lose the reference to the Entry because e is set to the output of the pack() function, which returns None after giving the entry to the geography packer.

    To get the correct reference to the Entry in e, separate the .pack() command to a separate line, e.g.:

       e = Entry(root, width=50)