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Scipy minimize iterating past bounds

I am trying to minimize a function of 3 input variables using scipy. The function reads like so-

def myfunc(x):
    x[0] = a
    x[1] = b
    x[2] = c
    n = f(a,b,c)
    return n

bound1 = (80,100)
bound2 = (10,20)
bound3 = (312,740)
guess = [a0,b0,c0]
bds = (bound1,bound2,bound3)
result = minimize(myfunc, guess,method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bds)

The function I am trying to currently run reaches a minimum at a=100,b=10,c=740, which is at the end of the bounds.

The minimize function keeps trying to iterate past the end of bound 3 (gets to c0 value of 740.0000000149012 on its last iteration.

Is there any way to stop this from happening? i.e. stop the iteration at the actual end of my bound?


  • This happens due to numerical-differentiation, which itself is not only needed to infer the step-direction and size, but also to reason about termination.

    In general you can't do much without being very careful in regards to whatever solver (and there are many backend-solvers) being used. The basic idea is to replace the automatic numerical-differentiation with one provided by you: this one then respects those bounds and must be careful about the solvers-internals, e.g. "how to reason about termination at this end".

    Fix A:

    Your problem should vanish automatically when using: Pull-request #10673, which touches your configuration: L-BFGS-B.

    It seems, this PR is not part of the current release SciPy 1.4.1 (as this was 2 months before the PR).

    See also #6026, where a milestone of 1.5.0 is mentioned in regards to some changes including respecting bounds in num-diff.

    For above PR, you will need to install scipy from the sources, which is:

    • quite doable on linux (and maybe os x)
    • not something you should try on windows!
      • trust me...

    See the documentation if needed.

    Fix B:

    Apart from that, as you are doing unconstrained-optimization (with variable-bounds) where more solver-backends are available (compared to constrained-optimization), you might try another solver, trust-constr, which has explicit support for this, see #9098.

    Be careful to recognize, that you need to signal this explicitly when setting up the bounds!