I have an issue calculating the time difference between two variables. To be exactly the time between falling asleep and waking up. I thought about using chron for doing so and this is my example.
DF <- data.frame(time_start = c("20:00", "21:30", "22:00", "23:00", "00:30", "02:00", "04:00"),
time_end = c("03:00", "06:30", "07:00", "09:00", "5:30", "09:00", "10:00"))
DF$time_start <- paste0(DF$time_start, ":00")
DF$time_start <- chron(times. =DF$time_start)
DF$time_end <- paste0(DF$time_end, ":00")
DF$time_end <- chron(times. =DF$time_end)
DF$time_duration <- times(DF$time_end - DF$time_start)
Formatting the variables with chron works partially as intended. The summary for time_end looks good. time_start on the other hand is rather messy. And time_duration is decimal.
> summary(DF$time_start)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
00:30:00 03:00:00 20:00:00 13:17:09 21:45:00 23:00:00
> summary(DF$time_end)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
03:00:00 06:00:00 07:00:00 07:08:34 09:00:00 10:00:00
> summary(DF$time_duration)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-0.7083333 -0.6250000 -0.5833333 -0.2559524 0.2291667 0.2916667
My questions:
How can I get plausible summary results for time_start and
how can I get the difference between time_start and time_end in a more readable way like hours? Thanks for your help in advance!
This gives the right durations in case that the end_time
is the same or the next day as start_time
DF <- data.frame(time_start = c("20:00", "21:30", "22:00", "23:00", "00:30", "02:00", "04:00"),
time_end = c("03:00", "06:30", "07:00", "09:00", "5:30", "09:00", "10:00")) %>%
mutate_at(vars(starts_with("time")), hm) %>%
mutate(time_duration = if_else(
time_end > time_start,
time_end - time_start,
hm("24:00") - time_start + time_end)
time_start time_end time_duration
1 20H 0M 0S 3H 0M 0S 7H 0M 0S
2 21H 30M 0S 6H 30M 0S 9H 0M 0S
3 22H 0M 0S 7H 0M 0S 9H 0M 0S
4 23H 0M 0S 9H 0M 0S 10H 0M 0S
5 30M 0S 5H 30M 0S 5H 0M 0S
6 2H 0M 0S 9H 0M 0S 7H 0M 0S
7 4H 0M 0S 10H 0M 0S 6H 0M 0S