I am new to developing chat bots. I am trying to figure out if there is a way for a chat bot in google meet to capture audio (or a transcript of the audio) of the whole meeting.
The only thing that seems to deal with audio to some extent I have been able to find so far is dialogflow but it still doesn't seem to offer what I am looking for: - https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/how/detect-intent-tts - https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/keep-the-dialog-flowing-create-conversational-chatbots-in-hangouts-chat-with-dialogflow
You can't do this with hangout API. The only requests available for a Hangouts chat bot are the ones mentioned in the documentation of Hangouts Chat API:
spaces.get Returns a space.
spaces.list Lists spaces the bot belongs to.
spaces.members.get Returns a member.
spaces.members.list Lists humans (not bots) that belong to the space.
spaces.messages.create Creates a message.
spaces.messages.delete Deletes a message.
spaces.messages.get Returns a message.
spaces.messages.update Updates a message.