I searched everywhere but I haven't seen anyone have the same issue, yet alone a solution to this. I am trying to add text at the end of each line like so:
I have tried it with sed, awk(with gsub) and pearl commands but each time instead of adding the ;"" to the end of each line it just replaces the first 3 characters of each line with it:
It is not limited to just ;"" it happends with anything i try to add at the end of the line. code i tried:
cat list | sed 's/$/;""/'
cat list | awk '{gsub(/$/,";\"\"")}1'
each with the same outcome of:
Why is this happening?
Looks like OP may have control M characters in OP's Input_file in that case could you please try following.
awk -v s1="\"" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {gsub(/\r/,"");$(NF+1)=s1 s1} 1' Input_file
2nd solution: With sed
sed 's/\r//g;s/$/;""/' Input_file
Suggestions for OP's code:
with awk
or sed
they are capable of reading Input_file by themselves.tr -d '\r' < Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file
OR directly run commands mentioned above to get rid of the carriage returns and get your output too.