I've got a site that's using making heavy use of AJAX, and in-order to keep things like Urls in a sensible place, I'm outputting the required Urls in a script block on the page, and then using them in a Javascript file later.
An example of this would be:
In Index.cshtml
if (!app.frontoffice)
app.frontoffice = {};
if (!app.frontoffice.urls)
app.frontoffice.urls = {};
if (!app.frontoffice.urls.index)
app.frontoffice.urls.index = "@Url.Action("index", "frontoffice", new { area = string.Empty, id = string.Empty })";
In a JS file somewhere
$(function() {
$("myButton").click(function(e) {
url: app.frontoffice.urls.index,
data: {
id: 55
success: ...
error: ...
The issue is that the generated Url is created like so - /frontoffice
, notice it's excluding the index
action. This is because when it was generated we gave it an empty id
, so when we come to use it, the Url that gets requested is actually /frontoffic/55', not
The UrlHelper
seems to be culling the action name from url. Is there another method I can use that doesn't remove items from the Url? - I was hoping to get away with a clear, reusable solution as this kind of thing happens all over the site.
You could use a placeholder for the id.
app.frontoffice.urls.index = function (id) {
return "@Url.Action("index", "frontoffice", new { id = "000" })".replace('000', id);
Then in your .js file
$(function() {
$("myButton").click(function(e) {
url: app.frontoffice.urls.index(55),
success: ...
error: ...