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Is there any way to access the matrixes using the (x,y) as index

I want to generate a matrix that stores the distance between every point with every other point. I want to be able to access this distance value in the matrix using the two coordinates.

As in the image below, I want to be able to access the distance using the points as the index.

matrix[point a, point b] = distance between two points

The matrix with the euclidean distance between points


  • One solution is to use the pandas module.

    • You can define column and index name with "points coordinates".
    • Fill the data using the scipy.spatial.distance.cdist
    • Access all the distances from one point using df["[x, y]"]
    • Access a specific distance using iloc on a column

    Full code + illustration

    # import modules
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    # input points
    points = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [5, 6], [9, 10]]
    # Create dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(cdist(points, points),
         columns=[str(p) for p in points],
         index=[str(p) for p in points])
    #             [1, 2]    [2, 3]    [3, 4]    [5, 6]    [9, 10]
    # [1, 2]    0.000000  1.414214  2.828427  5.656854  11.313708
    # [2, 3]    1.414214  0.000000  1.414214  4.242641   9.899495
    # [3, 4]    2.828427  1.414214  0.000000  2.828427   8.485281
    # [5, 6]    5.656854  4.242641  2.828427  0.000000   5.656854
    # [9, 10]  11.313708  9.899495  8.485281  5.656854   0.000000
    # select column "[2, 3]"
    print(df["[2, 3]"])
    # [1, 2]     1.414214
    # [2, 3]     0.000000
    # [3, 4]     1.414214
    # [5, 6]     4.242641
    # [9, 10]    9.899495
    # get distance between point [2 3] and [1 2]
    print(df["[2, 3]"].loc["[1, 2]"])
    # 1.4142135623730951

    Hope that helps