VB.NET I have the following table containg data as shown in the picture below:
Now, I want to bring these data into the treeview control as it's shown in the other picture :
please , How can I do that in VB.NET ? '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' here is the code I ended up with:
Sub LoadTree()
Dim sql As String = "SELECT Employees.EmpNum , Employees.EmpName , departments.depNum, departments.depName, Company.ID, Company.CompName FROM Company INNER JOIN departments ON Company.ID = departments.compNum INNER JOIN Employees ON departments.depNum = Employees.depNum order by company.compName , departments.depName "
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, FrmMain.con)
Dim CompanyName As String
Dim depName As String
Dim EmpName As String
Dim tmpCName As String = ""
Dim tmpDName As String = ""
Dim sNode As New TreeNode
Dim ssNode As New TreeNode
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
CompanyName = dr("CompName").ToString()
depName = dr("depName").ToString()
EmpName = dr("EmpName").ToString()
If tmpCName = CompanyName Then
If tmpDName <> depName Then
End If
tmpCName = CompanyName
tmpDName = depName
sNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(CompanyName)
TreeView1.SelectedNode = sNode
End If
TreeNodes have a Name property, and a TreeNodeCollection (what a treeview.Nodes, or a treenode.Nodes proprety is) can find nodes based on the Name so your logic needs to be more like:
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim coName = dr("CompName").ToString()
Dim coNodeId = "co" & dr("ID").ToString()
'find or create the company node
Dim nodes = treeview.Nodes.Find(coNodeId, true)
Dim coNode as TreeNode
If nodes.Length = 0 Then 'didn't find: create and add
coNode = New TreeNode() { Name = coNodeId, Text = coName }
Else 'did find
coNode = nodes(0)
End If
Dim depName = dr("depName").ToString()
Dim depNodeId = "dep" & dr("depNum").ToString()
'find or create the dep node under the co node
nodes = coNode.Nodes.Find(depNodeId, true)
Dim depNode as TreeNode
If nodes.Length = 0 Then
depNode = New TreeNode() { Name = depNodeId, Text = depName }
depNode = nodes(0)
End If
'create the emp node
Dim empName = dr("EmpName").ToString()
For every row in the data table we:
Steps 1 ensures that the co node is found or created so step 2 can work. Step 2 ensures the dep node is created or found so that step 3 can work