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tzsk\payu package for laravel 7.3.0 after payment redirect gives 419 error

I have installed version of laravel 7.3.0. and installed a package for payumoney tzsk\payu(4.0). It works well till the payment. after payment done when it redirects back it gives 419 error. This is the url I am getting after payment process done. sad9fq9qLcttbtPvDJXpYM&callback=aHR0cDovLasdfasdfasdfbnQtcGFja2FnZS1wYXltZW50L3N0YXR1cw==

You can also generate this error by installing new laravel and tzsk\payu package.


  • tzsk have fixed this issue in his package for temporary. Please check at for more information. Added following code in src/Controllers/PaymentController.php

    class PaymentController extends Controller
         * Temporarily set cross site on
        public function __construct()
            config(['session.same_site' => null]);