With the library tmap, a map can be plotted of the world coastlines and borders:
tm_shape(World) + tm_borders()
Is it possible to get the latitude longitude of each x,y point on the map that is used to draw coastlines and borders?
If not, is such a set of data with latitude longitude points of the world map to draw coastlines (and borders) available elsewhere?
You can do it in the following way:
tm_shape(World) + tm_borders()
Test <- st_union(World)
tm_shape(Test) + tm_borders()
Test_coord <- st_cast(Test, "MULTIPOINT")
tm_shape(Test_coord) + tm_dots()
There are some lines and points in the file that are not coastal lines. I think that is so because of some problmes in the World object, so condier using a different shape file.